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Stomping That Ennui

Believe it or not, I used to work on a typewriter very much like this. A mere 40 years ago.

Okay, I’m taking explosive-cargo in a new direction, and it’s going to be wild and wooly. You may wanna fasten your seatbelt and make sure that an air sickness bag is close at hand. Lots of bumps are a comin’.

Well, maybe it won’t be that bad. But I do love a touch of drama.

Anyway, as you know, I’ve not been not quite sure where to take Xcargo. I had been doing some political material. And I will do more in future. But…I also feel the need to make Xcargo into a genuine blog, that is, a “web-log,” a sort of diary in which I discuss certain aspects of my life, and, particularly, my life with Martha.

As you know, I actually started doing that with “The Martha Chronicles,” which were a series of postings I did to social media that dealt with Martha’s serious fall in January 2022, and her wonderful recovery over the next three months. But, I ended up turning those into a book instead. (Well, a PDF-book, actually. But it’s free. You can download it here:

So, instead, I think I’ll start putting here tales of our adventures as we do our best to be a little less …uh…bored. You see, like you, we spent two years in various degrees of lockdown due to Covid. Then, Martha had her fall, which gave us yet another 90 days under medically enforced house arrest. So, we figured we had had enough of tedium vita, and set out to find fun things to do in Texas and beyond.

I’m calling the new series, “The Martha And Michael Chronicles!”

So, stay tuned, folks! Lots more little adventures to come! We are going to stomp our ennui like it was a bug.


Until next time…

Onward and Upward.



Care to help out?

I provide these blog postings for free. That’s fine and I’m happy to do so. But, long ago and far away, I was told that if you give away your material, that means you don’t really think it has any value.

So, to get beyond that, I’ve decided to make it possible for you to leave me a “tip” for my posts.

If you like what I write or the videos I produce, and feel you could make a small contribution to support my efforts, please go here:

That will take you to a Gumroad page where you’ll have the option of leaving me a few pence by way of encouragement.

Again, I don’t mind if you don’t. I just want to provide you with the option so that I won’t feel quite so much like I’m just tossing my works into the wind.

Either way, thanks hugely for dropping by the blog :-)


Copyright©2022 Michael Jay Tucker

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